The Truth About Connections

A lot has been said about connections as the key to success. Some consider them as an integral part, and others find it immoral and unjust to succeed only based on knowing the right people at the right time at the right place...

The Truth About Confidence

We all know the saying: “fake it till you make it”, and a rich library is available regarding power and confidence. I would say, reading books and technique is always encouraged as self-development is a key factor in becoming a better fulfilled person. However, I would like to stress, that technique and special knowledge can only strengthen or fake a real confidence...

Some Words about Success

Success has always been a controversial term, hard to explain and clearly hard to maintain. But one thing is clear, in one way or another, we all want to be successful and happy, of course every one of us will define it differently. Well success is a complicated subject. And the reason for that is the definition of success in various fields. For example, a person can earn a lot of money...

The Myth of Hard Work

We all, at least one time in our life, felt the “injustice” of unsatisfied results of hard work invested. At the same time, a different individual in what seemingly much less work achieve much more. I know this feeling, and I can confirm it is really frustrating. So the following paradox appears: why does hard work not always generating satisfying results? Well it depends one how one defines “Hard Work”! It is worth noting that in the reality...

The Beginning

We all love to complain how certain events or people are depriving us from our happiness. However, we never bother to consider our life goals. Have you ever asked yourself what is happiness all about? Have you ever tried to ask yourself, how a perfect world for you would look like, but still feel some unhappiness, misfortune or boredom, or even poverty? In that case you came to the right place...