Thoughts About Fate        

By Project Success

Fate has always been a mystifying idea. When dealing with fate we always have in minds questions like:

  1. Does fate really exist?
  2. Why is it there?
  3. Can I change my fate

Usually, people look only at the radical views when considering fate. Either everything is possible, no matter what; or nothing is possible i.e. no hope is there! Well, it’s quite easy to debunk both of the approaches. The following simple example shows it; we as humans genetically cannot fly. It is quite clear that this wish is simply not feasible (of course some million years of evolution might one day change it). But to say that nothing is possible is also absurd; we still use technology to fly us around the world, so not all hope is lost.

Instead, we would like to offer a different approach to consider things like fate or luck. In project success, as always, we always consider self-development. So, with the spirit of Project Success, we should instead empower our existing talents and look for ways to benefit the society, the rest is not relevant.

It is true we are born in certain circumstances, and at times we do get opportunities by being in the right place at the right time. It is also true that we are very limited in the things we can change from the huge powers of the world creation, and I would even add, it’s kind of arrogant to think you can actually affect something big as the physical world. But maybe we ask ourselves the wrong question. Instead of concentrating on a meaningless dilemma (well the knowledge of the existence of fate will not help us achieving our dreams, right?) we should focus on the realization of opportunities.

Every one of us can recall multiple opportunities which slipped away, either due to lack of competence, bad decision making, bad judgement or simply laziness. Our goal as high achievers is exactly this point. We should increase our chances to recognize and use the next opportunity in life (which will surely come at some point). Hence, we should improve our decision making, the competence in the given field and our set of beliefs. This understanding is highly significant; it means it starts now. There is so much to do like having a plan using the given opportunities, working on our intelligence by performing daily exercises; getting the right professional training; learning to invest; and learning to manage our time properly. This list is endless and we shouldn’t waste any more time considering possible negative circumstances of fate and luck, we simply don’t have the time for that.

Final Words

After understanding the important aspects about success and current circumstances, you have two options in life: Look at yourself as a victim or as a winner. The choice is yours! Actually, it was always yours!