What Qualifies me

Well, I am offering ideas which helped me in my life and my friends. From a decent guy who doesn’t read books, believe in shortage, always complaining and desperate, I have turned up to be grateful, happy and complete. In addition, I managed to study many languages, improve my financial situation, finding my ultimate life style and meeting the love of my life. If you haven’t found yet your ultimate self, I might be an assistant to you by systematically transforming your life. As a systematical person, I believe a system can always be developed to solve most of the issues in our life (I would say 80%, with the rest I guess we should just learn to live). My program “Project Success” is a series of guides (or as I call them systems) and articles intended for self-development and decisions making in many fields. For every field I compiled a guide which should be an effective way to tackle the issues within. Due to my core belief in openness and fairness, I am offering the information free of charge to the interested readers. I wish to share with you, my material!

What motivates me

I have always been fascinated by systems. I would always prefer the systematical approach instead of the intuitive approach, meaning instead of reaching decisions because they make sense (which might be subjective), I would prefer a system which tell me in every case what are the parameters which I should consider for every direction I choose, which provide the optimal result. Initially I thought that this is simply the best way to go, and for some reason not everybody is following it. At some point, from a low point in my life, I have decided to do an experiment, and simply develop the strictest systems possible while zooming into the smallest details in my life, where my result was unsatisfactory. So, I thought to myself, it seems so natural for me to think that way, why not give it a shot. Hence, I started systematically allocating daily time for reading books, analyzed my behavior in social situation and found solutions to instill in me the successful habits of social intelligence, did quantitative exercises for my rational intelligence by playing chess, financial education etc. After doing all of that, I reached the conclusion that this is my place in the world: develop efficient systems for self-development and decisions making. Since then, I have shared my thoughts with my closest friends and my family. And now, I would like to share my experience with you. I am always saying: It doesn’t hurt trying. You might not succeed the first time you try, but at least you tried, which will lead to the next and the next attempt, until it starts working. I believe that a slight chance is present to provide you the information which you seek which might immensely affect your life. I would like to stress: change begins inside. If you want to change, you should first reach this decision internally: with your conscious, your thoughts and your soul. Once this decision was made, it would be my honor to provide you some guidance on your path. Today I am for you, here and now. I find it my responsibility to share my experience with anyone who would find it interesting.

All my knowledge I got for free and this is why I believe this is the moral thing to do.

So, let’s begin!!