The Truth About Confidence      

By Project Success    

We all know the saying: "fake it till you make it", and a rich library is available regarding power and confidence. I would say, reading books and technique is always encouraged as self-development is a key factor in becoming a better fulfilled person. However, I would like to stress, that technique and special knowledge can only strengthen or fake a real confidence. I do believe it’s possible to fake it all the way, but I would like to raise the question: is there an easier way? And my answer for that is a big fat yes! So, an easier way is to get a natural self-confidence. This kind of confidence, indisputably radiates from you whenever you go. The coolest thing about it, is that no real knowledge or special technique is needed. The components revolve around our goals and our commitment, which are a key part of “Project Success”. So, if you are committed to our way, chances are you already possess these traits and need only to prepare yourself mentally in order to be self-confident. I would like also to stress that confidence by itself is useless unless it’s projected into a worth task. I.e, if no special goal is sought, the confidence will only serve some ego needs, this kind of confidence is not what we are after. And amazingly, once this confidence is achieved, it doesn’t seem to be worthy anymore. Thus, people who are already confident, take it for granted and simply go on with their life. This is exactly where I want to bring you; become a confident person who leads processes for self-fulfilment and helping others.

So what is the secret? The simplicity of the secret is quite straightforward; you have a self-development goal to which you approach daily step by step and you are proud of it, that’s it. There is nothing so motivating than a person who fight for his dreams. Instead of focusing on impressing others and using their appreciation to be happy and proud, we make ourselves proud. We learn and train ourselves to be a better person. We want to follow our dreams to fulfill our god given talents to enjoy this world and helping others do the same. This may not impress every walking human being, but I can assure you, one way or another, you will get to know the right persons who share similar values and views about life. And that is the most important thing.

The Steps

I define three important conditions which must be fulfilled. Once it’s achieved, the confidence is on the way!

The conditions for long lasting confidence:

  1. Survival- Living inside your means.
  2. Following a self development process.
  3. Mental control.

Ok, so you will survive financially, you do feel safe, and you follow systematically a self-development process. That’s great! But it’s not enough. The last step is the awareness and mental appreciation of the situation. Let me explain; A confident person will follow his path unconditionally and proudly. You need to be aware of it consciously and sub-consciously. I.e, while you both actively consider your life and just going on without noticing it, you will recognize your goal from far away, and gather your strength whenever the routine becomes too hard. The mental control is what keeps you going. As in many steps in Project Success, the meditation comes to our rescue. You should meditate and imagine the goals, the steps to achieve them, the gratefulness of the current situation (gratefulness is a crucial step before achieving), and the stamina to continue each day with small steps on the way to complete a successful mental marathon.

Final Words

By now you might have noticed that confidence is a long process. But it’s worth it. Little by little, day by day, you become prouder of your life and more confident. Instead of taking a quick remedy that’s going to boost your self-confidence for a brief period of time (and then bring it eventually back down), I would like to suggest our way; a systematical self-development process with mental control.