The Meditation Technique Final:      
Preparation, Emergencies and Daily Activities

By Project Success    

Apart from the progress in the Natural Circle, the meditation is very useful in other aspects when we progress in our self-development. As we develop different issues tend to occur. And the meditation turns to be very useful in those cases. The main cases are mental preparation, emergencies and daily activities.


Imagine to yourself the following scenario: Your boss comes up to you and tells you “You are fired!”. You should be totally broken right? For the short term, it would be so. But it should not be a fact till the rest of your life. One of the easiest ways to move on is to perform multiple “Emergency” meditations. Basically, you should first take charge of your breaths; find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, stop consciously the breathing process, and let your body dictate the breathing timing for every breath. Finally, do the ten count exercise and reach the basic meditation state. Stay in this state while letting your mind bombing you with the concerns and irritating thoughts of your daily life. Now, instead of trying to challenge the thoughs or ignore them, simply give in and concentrate on your peace of mind. After few moments you can progress and deal with every given fear; state the fear and explain to yourself your being and how you will overcome it by taking responsibility. There is always a solution! For example, in the given case, you can blame your performance. Now if the reason is you! It means you are also the solution. Performance can improve and that is the exact thing you are going to say to yourself (of course later on you should make a plan to increase your competence). Even when reasons are external; like the company is simply bankrupt, should you take some of the responsibility. In that case you should blame your judgment in choosing this company, or ignoring the signs, you should have seen it coming right? By that you are keeping the power, you know it’s always your decision which led to the situation, and your decision is the thing which will get you out of there! Don’t you ever forget. Actually, For everything a part from tragedies and physical injury can one take the responsibility, that is the key. In Your conscience mind you explain the situation, take responsibility, and imagine the right outcome. Finally you can finish the set, a little bit hurt but not defeated, you a ready for the next challenge!

Mental Preparation

Imagine to yourself a different scenario: tomorrow you have an important exam, sport competition or any other event which requires high performance. Very stressful right? Similarly, for emergencies we are going to solve it using meditations. In this case, after entering your meditation state you concentrate on your fear, your preparation, your achievements and your expectations to give the best of yourself. You first explain the situation and why it’s scary, keep it positive by admitting the fear and with it your ability to control it. It’s an illusion to deny the fear, as it is a natural instinct which was developed by the primitive human being, i.e., it is a good thing! The next step is to remind yourself the steps which you took to prepare yourself. Finally, you name proven achievement in your past and promise to yourself to do the best. Remember, what is going to happen cannot be 100% controlled by you, it depends also on the event itself and your physical state. However, by using constructive preparation you can at least insure your mental state. And that is very important, because it can build you further than the given case. You close the meditation and proceed proudly to the event!

Daily Activities

Since in your journey, you are not going to enjoy every activity, it’s time to be the doer! The idea is to enjoy every activity. By taking control of the meditation state, having a vision, controlling emergencies and becoming an expert in mental preparation, it should come easy to you to enjoy everything without actively meditating. When starting the activity, just concentrate on your goals in life and how this given activity is necessary. Next you should think on your next self-development assignments in your next free time slot. Finally with everything in mind, a simple mental creativity should do the trick; You can think about movies, other people gratefulness etc. The idea is, that the enjoyment from daily activities becomes natural after controlling the meditation state.

Final Words

The meditation state is an amazing tool which is typically used, one way or another by successful individuals. In this series of guides, I did my best to offer a possible implementation of the meditation state with the spirit of Project Success. Please do not constrain yourself for the exact details, if you find a better way which works for your, please go for it.