The Truth About Connections      

By Project Success    

A lot has been said about connections as the key to success. Some consider them as an integral part, and others find it immoral and unjust to succeed only based on knowing the right people at the right time at the right place. In this article we would like to offer an alternative way to view connections in the spirit of the Project Success's life fulfillment mentality. In accordance we would like to offer an adequate mental approach to cope with this element of life.

Connections- What are they?

So how are connections defined? For simplicity we would define the connections as the number of people we know and their influence on our relevant fields of life. Before we go any further, it is worth noting that the value of connections was always there since the emergence of the primitive man and will probably continue to be so in the near future.

What does it mean to us?

In Project Success we concentrate on self-reliance, strong beliefs and self-development. As in many spheres in life, the people we know can promote the exact same goals of project success but can also be irrelevant and at times damaging. Let me elaborate: Usually there are two types of connection networks; acquired by birth and acquired through life.

Connections acquired by birth- Without doing anything we emerge in this world automatically knowing the right people or being born in the right family (affluent parents, successful childhood friends, etc.).

Connections acquired through life- These are the people who we get to know as we grow up and spend our time. As a rule of thumb, the connections given by birth are the easiest to achieve.

The Effects

When we consider it thoroughly, the born contacts are really comfortable and are the easiest to attain. I would like to argue that these connections are actually the type which we would like to avoid: Although it may sound as the easiest way, these connections are damaging for self-development by raising high expectations from the surroundings and at the same time emasculate us from any personal development potential. Think about it like that, if everything comes easy without any required developed competence or without experiencing any uncomfortable situation, we would never have the motivation to improve or try something else. Yeah sure, it is safe and comfortable, but definitely not fulfilling. And let me tell you something; it is also very risky! What will happen if our comfortable playground is cracking, or our connections are not available anymore, what would you do then? The practitioners of Project Success should avoid the born connections by all cost. Possible solutions are simply to choose a different path in life, or finding your own niche. For the diligent reader, I would suggest the book “48 rules of power” by Robert Greene, especially rules number 25 and 41: "Recreate Yourself", "Avoid Stepping into a Great Man’s Shoes".

The Alternative

Suppose I would tell you that an alternative exists and it’s there up for grabs? I would say: the alternative is both exciting and fulfilling! Instead of concentrating on existing connections, or the lack of them, we would strive to recreate ourselves: "self-made man and self-made woman". It all starts from strong beliefs (I will refer you here to our first article), improving our abilities by learning required techniques, taking action and with trial and error, going back to improve our beliefs and technique. Once we are strong believers, become competent and confident; it becomes effortless to meet the right people based on using the abundancy in life which we have just unlocked. This is most fulfilling as it is based solely on our actions which promote self-development. The key would be our self-confidence; instead of concentrating on other people, we base our life experience on the actions we take and the things we create. Here I would like to refer you to the motivating book “End Game” by Leigh Louey-Gung. Although this book targets men, the principles can be applied also by our women audience.

Final Words

As being discussed, connections are definitely a controversial subject. In Project Success, we would suggest to concentrate on connections which are acquired through merit and good decisions. In accordance, we would suggest to avoid the connections acquired through birth. However, please note, that our way is not the sole truth; an infinite number of possibilities in life exist which may create a path to success. In this article we discussed our solution for a controversial issue in accordance with our self-fulfilling program.