My Story

I always thought something was missing in my life. While living with my parents in Tel Aviv searching for a new job opportunity, I wondered. I just couldn't point exactly the finger; couldn't really describe that thing. Was it the lack of money, my longing for an exciting honored job title, a girlfriend which I didn't have or simply the hot weather in the summer of Tel Aviv (I am a fan of the typical west European winter!!)?

With all the confusion, I knew one thing; like everybody else, there is a thing which I am doing pretty well. That thing is my talent; behaviour optimization, or as I like to call "Behaviour Hacking”! Let me explain: I am always attracted to defining and optimizing processes for the sake of completing a given process and achieving a certain goal. The attractive thing wasn't the goal itself but the technical planning and execution. I may not be the smartest, but I have always been efficient in my planning and devoted just enough for achieving the goal. I don't always succeed, but I always find an efficient way at least to secure myself the best possible success chances. If I fail, I can live with that as I did my really best and now, I am ready to pursue another challenge. One good example was acing the academic Israeli Psychometric exam (equivalent to the American SAT); I actually managed to score in the 95th percentile while being a complete average student in comparison to my colleagues during my bachelor studies I graduated at the 40th percentile!

After being depressed for awhile, what for me was a low point in my life, I reached a decision; I must take a risk and try something new; I will move to Germany to the city of Kiel as a Master Degree Student, find a good job, a nice girl and enjoy the weather! It simply made sense; I knew the risks, but I simply looked at the numbers, the possible experience, considered my current situation, and decided; I am definitely going for it ! If I fail and come back, so be it, I tried my best and I can live with it.

Again, I turned to my optimization skills: I planed my budget, took into consideration the German low cost of living and tuition, took care of the bureaucracy, secured myself an accommodation and designed a plan (again optimization) to master the German language (I included it as a guide for languages). Long story short, I graduated, moved to the exciting city of Berlin, found a great job and dated amazing girls. But something was still missing. After an honest question raised by a girl I dated back then, I finally knew what it was; my goal in life was never just to enjoy the material stuff, rather it was also giving something back. At that moment I understood it has two parts: enjoy the world and helping others enjoying it too. From now on I constantly considered the second part and how a person like me can apply it. After some decent time passed (including the Covid 19) I found myself in a great relationship, a new great job and financially free by trading the financial markets (I actually pay my bills from my stocks trading). I believe the will to help, actually increased my accumulation of material things. And that makes totally sense; that is how the world works!

Now it's time to give back! I decided to offer my experience in optimizing activities in various fields to the public as it should be. In "Project Success" I am offering information in different topics, free of charge, with the goal of helping others, as it should be! Since I haver never paid for the information I got online, I find it natural to do the same thing, and offer my experience.

I welcome you to Project Success!!