The Meditation Technique Part 1:

By Project Success

In order to use efficiently our subconscious, we should first learn to meditate at will. This is an essential ability which can be applicable in general in five scenarios in our daily life:

  1. Mental training- We increase our mental capacity, ability and concentration. This is an exercise which will increase our potential in pursuing our daily activities like reading faster (meaning we learn things faster- can certainly assist us in any area!) thinking faster, (meaning we can process information faster), a higher cognitive capacity (meaning we can process more information) and last (but not least) increasing our concentration (we don’t let unusual thoughts get in our way).
  2. The natural circle- We find our goals, redefine our beliefs.
  3. Mental preparation- We prepare ourselves in our subconscious level for challenging tasks (like presentations, competitive sports activities etc.).
  4. Emergencies- Something unexpected happened, which challenges our self-confidence. In this case, we will use our subconscious to bring us back to the center- the right mental state, which we need in our goals achieving process.
  5. Daily activities- With mental control, we manage to enjoy every task we do in our daily life. For example, we will enjoy washing the dishes, enjoy a boring meeting in the office, enjoy sports, etc. This is a very important skill, as big success can only come from a lot of small tedious steps. If we want to stay in the game for the long run, we must be able to enjoy the process.

Mental Training

Before we start our success process, we must first develop a basic ability. This is the meditation. Thus, we should start with a mental training in order to increase our mental capacity for higher goals and ideas. There are various techniques to meditate, but my favourite one involves breathing and concentrating. The idea is to decrease the frequency of our breaths, and concentrate on the center of our wellbeing. The first exercise which I use is simply finding a comfortable sitting spot, breathing slowly and deeply, closing the eyes and counting the breaths till ten. The count should be accurate. For every loss of concentration, the count should restart from the beginning. A newbie is expected to notice here some difficulties as he fails constantly to perform this exercise correctly. Again, this should not discourage you as this is a learnt ability, and here, in Project Success, we stand for the self-development of the human being. It all revolves around our perception of success; Here we care about accomplishing our potential instead of our current experience of life. This exercise should be repeated multiple times during the day. The emphasis should be on daily repetitions. In time we will learn to appreciate and recognize the mental state.

The next step revolves around finding our center. After finishing our ten breaths, we bring our attention to the center of our body. This is done by continuing our breathing schedule, looking straight and at the same time “trying” to transform our eyes to our center. Although we will never physically see our chest, we will find ourselves concentrating on this area of the body. For example, we can look at a point on a wall in front of us, and at the same time think on the center of our body.

In the last step, you should count till five to enter the meditation state while saying to yourself something like: “I am entering my meditation state at five”, spend some moments and count from five to one while saying to yourself something like: “I am out from my meditation state at one”. When done correctly, the body and mind will feel an amazing sensation. We can actively look and see physical objects in the world, but a mentally trained individual will be able to ignore all of this information and concentrate on his center.

This exercise can be done almost anywhere and anytime, as long as we are not distracted by other social events. After enough training you will be able to reach your center at will. This is my friends a meditation state. The meditation state increases our mental capacity by developing the ability to think deeply and longer. In addition, the state will be later used to define our goals in life and finding new ideas to achieving them. Please repeat these exercises daily for a week before moving to the next step.