Some Words About Success        

By Project Success    

Success has always been a controversial term, hard to explain and clearly hard to maintain. But one thing is clear, in one way or another, we all want to be successful and happy, of course every one of us will define it differently.

Well, success is a complicated subject. And the reason for that is the definition of success in various fields. For example, a person can have a lot of wealth, own a business or invent something. For this point of view, he is successful in the professional world. However, he might also be divorced with no contact to his siblings. Then, it would be reasonable to define his family life as a total failure. As you can see, the complication has two origins: The field itself and the way we measure the success. There are multiple fields where success can be observed and tested, and the observation itself is quite subjective; two persons for the same facts might provide two different views regarding the level of success. Using our last example, although the person doesn’t really have a family life, he might be involved in many relationships, meaning he meets a lot of women. This fact by itself might be considered as success by some (like pick up community etc.).

Another method to measure success, is simply measuring the individual happiness in life as he can attest. This kind of happiness is your life success. I.e., we assume that the ultimate goal is being happy and satisfied. Once this goal is achieved, we say the person is successful. This definition makes our life easier, as it doesn’t revolve around many fields, but only one : how we feel about ourselves. In project success, we tend to adopt this approach when defining success, though we add a small caveat; Instead of just looking at the current happiness, we consider the possibility to maintain a long-lasting happiness. For example, a person can consume drugs or alcohol and experience happiness. This is only a temporary thing, which cannot last forever (we all know the consequences of drug abuse). Although narcotics can be a part of our life which provide some pleasure (I am totally against it, but I am not judging), it can only function long term if other personal conditions are simultaneously fulfilled. The following example might elaborate this point: Although winning at a certain moment a large lump sum of money might make you temporarily happy (winning the lottery), it is by no means a guarantee for a long-lasting happiness. Money is of course a necessity which we shouldn’t never underestimate, but it’s clearly not the end goal. I.e., by itself it can provide only security and short-term happiness. The question is always how the individual uses his resources. If the person improves his prosperity, enjoy his extra time in life which money provides and at the same time promotes initiatives which really improves the life of other individuals, he could be totally satisfied with his life; he experiences security and prosperity, and at the same time helps others achieve the exact same thing.

In project success we adhere to this definition! We want you to experience long term happiness and help others experience the exact same. We provide guides and articles in certain fields to tackle the exact same point. In terms of political views and personal preferences we are quite neutral. We only care about bringing you to your most optimal life satisfying mindset and assist you in creating and helping others. We believe this should be our goal in life, the reason we are here at this moment, at this place and at this time!