The Intelligence Guide Part 1      

By Project Success    

Today’s it’s all about intelligence. We always perceive “smart” as an appreciated trait. But what is exactly “smart”, and why should we seek it?


So, what characterizes a smart person? The answer to this question is much more complicated than first seemed, as it is subjective and depends on the situation, the field and the point of view; For example, a person who can solve multiple complicated mathematical equations in a record time, may perform poorly in a social situation. So, this guy is probably a real smart person whenever numbers are concerned but at the same time doesn’t possess any social insight. Thus, in one field, the person can be a real genius and a complete fool in a different area of life. Hence words like “smart” and “intelligent” by themselves are meaningless. It’s only once we define the fields of intelligence, can we state in a specific scenario whether a person is really intelligent.

According to my experience and research from further data sources, the following intelligence fields are defined:

  1. Social intelligence- Intelligence in social situation. This ability might manifest itself by saying the right thing confidently in order to lead to a desire goal (like gaining the confidence and support of the opposite side).
  2. Emotional Intelligence- The ability to connect to the emotions, thoughts and feelings of the other person.
  3. Financial Intelligence- The ability to achieve financial prosperity.
  4. Cognitive Intelligence- The ability to perform mathematical operations
  5. Rational Intelligence- The ability to reach better decisions in any given scenario.
  6. Creativity- The ability to invent and think “Outside of the box”.

Notice that additional sub-categories do exist; for example, a creative person can be really talented in painting, so we will say the person is an intelligent painter. For simplicity I would like to stick with these categories.

Why should you want to be smart

So before an individual reaches a decision whether it worth’s it to invest the time and effort for the intelligence self-development, two questions should first be raised:

  1. Is it possible to be smart in every certain field?
  2. Why should one be smart considering the alternative of a simpler life?

To answer the first question, I would like to point you to your beliefs. In project success, we concentrate on the belief that every one of us has a given a talent in a certain field. This is where we can be genius by taking the correct measures and steps. So, the simple answer is Yes! If you believe in it, it is doable.

Regarding the second question, our natural tendency of humans is to peruse self-fulfillment. In this connotation we will define self-fulfillment as the application of our talents to practice activities which benefit others. The amazing thing is, that when this is our mentality in life, one tends to profit from all the other dimensions including partnership, financial prosperity and health. For example, if you are financially smart, you would be able to reach financial prosperity much faster. If you are smart with your health, you have good chances to be healthy (or at least healthier), if you are cognitive you will be able to solve mathematical problems easier and if you are rational, you will be able to reach better decisions in your life. And it makes sense; if we help efficiently, better than anybody else, someone in a certain field, we will probably manage to collect financial compensation for it, in accordance with the modern capitalist system. In addition, this ambitious act, increases our daily activities which may increase our health. And of course, once we have a direct direction in life, we feel confident and powerful and in turn naturally attract the opposite sex and create a new partnership. Of course, we have our talents and our intellect in other fields which we could also improve; if we feel confident and satisfied in our field, we find it easier to learn other fields. Although we may not be as successful as the highly talented and trained individuals, we can still reach a level of competence which as a complementary improves our life.

Further Steps

After explaining this intelligence intuition, I would like to invite to our next article where we would do deeper in specific intelligence fields.