The Beginning- The Natural Circle    

By Project Success        

We all love to complain how certain events or people are depriving us from our happiness. However, we never bother to consider our life goals. Have you ever asked yourself what is happiness all about? Have you ever tried to ask yourself, how a perfect world for you would look like, but still feel some unhappiness, misfortune or boredom, or even poverty? In that case you came to the right place.

It’s no secret that 80% of the world's resources are controlled by 20% of the population, and that at the same time only around 33% of the people (in the US) are really happy in life. Is it a coincidence? Well, you may say that money buys happiness, and this is why we experience this correlation. we could have the following belief: "if I am lucky enough to be rich, then I will be happy". Or we can have even a stronger saying: "Happiness couldn’t occur without money". But then I may ask you, how come people centuries ago, in a much less prosperous world with wars, hunger and diseases, exhibited much higher happiness levels as measured by statistics. Now I am here to defer you; Although it is proven, that for happiness a certain level of financial prosperity is required (the so called food and shelter requirements in "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs"), it is also proven that after a certain level of a financial level, our financial situation stops playing any role in our life. Yeah, we may blame our financial situation, but the truth is, our problem is the wasted time which we don’t manage to enjoy in life. Once we reach a financial level where our income exceeds our life style expenses, and in turn we feel secured to generate this fortune in the future, money will stop instantly playing any role in our life (we can then call ourselves wealthy).

Assuming we develop further this way of thinking, I would like to present my theory regarding the "Natural Circle". I admit, I am not inventing anything new here. However, I do combine theories from different branches, into an efficient system, which tend to be very successful in achieving our ultimate happiness.

In essence, we as humans, once we have food, shelter and security, require goals in life in order to feel happiness. We are goals driven machines. Our goals are the activities which we want to do in our daily life which fulfill our deepest dreams. In order to achieve the so called "Goals Mode", I would like to offer the theory of Natural Cycle. The theory is composed of three elements: Beliefs, Technique and Action.

Beliefs- Beliefs are our core ideas and opinions regarding the function of the world, in which we are fully committed. When we truly believe in something then specific actions based on this “truth” will follow. Once we manage to define our goals in life, our beliefs will lead on the way to success.

Technique- After we have adjusted our beliefs in accordance with our goals, we try to find a way to achieve everything. We develop a system, which we follow, which will certainly bring us there.

Action- After all said and done, we take some risks, get out of our comfort zone and take action. This action may not immediately generate our required result, but it will provide us essential feedback regarding future encounters. With the given feedback, we can modify our beliefs and technique, and execute an improved action.

In project success we adhere to this definition! We want you to experience long term happiness and help others experience the exact same thing. We provide guides and articles in certain fields to tackle the exact same point. In terms of political views and personal preferences we are quite neutral. We only care about bringing you to your most optimal life satisfying mindset and assist you in creating and helping others. We believe this should be our goal in life, the reason we are here at this moment, at this place and at this time!