The Meditation Technique Part 2:
            The Natural Circle

By Project Success

If we look back in history and observe the most successful people; We will see that most of them, at some period of time used the power of their subconscious to achieve success. The classic example is Newton, who dwelled about the idea of the great power of the earth which pull objects closer. Once he sat on the bench, his subconscious brought him the explanation by being present exactly when an apple fell. The fallen apple gave him the motivation to discover gravity. We too can use the power of meditation to find our goals in life, and find possible ways to achieve them. After mastering the basic meditation state, it’s time to move a step further. First should we learn to make use of our subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be at times our best friend, or our worst enemy. The function of the subconscious mind is always through positive suggestions. Once the subconscious mind intercepts a positive suggestion, it will do its best to lead us to that goal, under the existing reality conditions (don’t forget that the reality might change). The subconscious is so attached to the positive side, that even in case of negative suggestions, will it ignore the negative part, and execute only the remaining positive. For example, imagine you are walking on a thin rope extended high on the air, afraid of falling and keep telling to yourself something like: “Whatever you do, just don’t look down”. In this case, it’s easy to imagine that our automatic response will be to look down. Our subconscious simply intercepts the positive side of the suggestion and executes it; in this case simply to look down. Now let’s look at a different scenario; You are playing in a football team in the final match of the world cup and leading 1:0 during the last 10 minutes of the game. For mentally untrained players, once they achieved some kind of an asset like leading by one goal, the instinct will be always to think in terms of negative: what should not be done as the fear of losing the asset is too big. In this case they will tell themselves something like: we should not concede a goal. It is quite typical exactly on those cases, that a “bad luck” will happen. This can be your own goal, a mistake which led to a penalty kick, etc. In contrast to common beliefs, these cases have nothing to do with luck, but a direct result of the negative self-programming. The subconscious was simply executing again the positive suggestion of their suggestion. In this case, the instructions were to do its best to concede a goal. Thus, the mind created a situation which is likely to lead to this given result. In contrast, players who are really mentally trained, will learn positive suggestions which will lead to a clean net. These suggestions will be based on the active things which the team must do. For example, holding the ball as much as possible by using the playmaker, closing on the fast striker of the opponent, considering a counter attack strategy which will deter the opponent and planning the right tactical maneuver during static situations (like corner kicks, free kicks).

The same technique should be used in our journey. Initially we should find positive suggestions to find our goals in life. Once the goals are found, should we find suggestions to strong beliefs which can lead us further to find techniques. The next step is to reach the basic meditation state using are mental training. During the meditation we repeat our suggestions and imagine the desired result. After multiple repetitions, we should expect to get new ideas jumping during the day. The next step would revolve around recording the considering the ideas once they come up. Finally, we apply everything in our daily life. If the goals are not achieved, we should come back to the previous steps and repeat them again and again, until we see some of the inevitable success!